I remember when my midwife asked if I had packed my bag for hospital and I shrugged it off thinking how hard could it be to pack a bag to have a baby? It wasn’t until I started collecting things to put in my bag that I realised I have no idea what I am meant to pack.
You have your basics like clothes and clothes for the baby, but what other little things should you take to make labour and your hospital stay a little easier on you? Well, thanks to the help of some of my wonderful Facebook Mum-Group Mums, I have managed to get enough information to help out all my mum-to-be readers that may be a bit like I was and lost on what I should be packing.
DURING LABOUR For this you should be packing as if you’re about to run a marathon. Pack things to keep your body happy and strong as well as comfortable!
- Water bottle that’s easy and fast to drink from (pop top, pump style water bottles) - Lip Balm – You’ll be huffing and puffing so your lips will be super dry. - Your own pillow – because hospital pillows suck. - Extra hair ties – the last thing you want is to have your hair annoying you because your only hair tie has broken! - Music or a cord to plug your phone in.
AFTER BIRTH/HOSPITAL STAY If you have ever stayed in a hospital you know they’re cold, have terrible food and uncomfortable. You would think that you’d get some sort of special treatment because you just went through labour, but nope – you have to deal with what you get. Granted, some hospitals are better than others but it’s probably better to pack for the worst case scenario.
- Snacks, snacks, SNACKS! – Hospital food either sucks or there isn’t enough to fill you so pack any sort of snacks you think you would like. Pack both sweet and savoury because you never know what your body will want after going through labour - Coins and Notes – Hospitals have vending machines! - Pump Bottle – This is to spray on your vagina while you pee. It will help it not burn your abused downstairs. - Ural – it reduces the acidity in your pee so it doesn’t burn like hell on your poor stretched or stitched vagina. - Stool Softeners – your first poop will feel like you are giving birth again so anything to make it easier is excellent! - Nipple Cream – because your nipples will hate you otherwise. - Black Granny Undies – you can either throw these out or wash them to wear again but I found that the underwear I used for the first day, maybe two days, I just threw out. - Overnight Pads – just hundreds. Some mums have said that overnight pads are better than maternity pads. You may find yourself doubling up to avoid making a mess. - Breast Pads – just hundreds of these too. Your boobies are going to be leaking all sorts of fun stuff. - Phone Charger – if you can, buy an extra-long cord because you never know if there’s going to be a power point close to your bed. If you can’t find one, bring an extension cord! - Loose Fitting Clothes – you won’t care what you look like but you will want to be comfy! - Soft Toilet Paper or flushable wipes – because the hospitals might as well supply you with sandpaper.
-Tissues – partly because you will find you cry easy but it is okay, you can blame the hormones. - Headphones – in case listening to music sounds better than TV or scrolling on Facebook - Slippers or thongs – just some easy foot wear you can put on with minimal effort because if you thought it was hard to put shoes on when you were pregnant, wait until after giving birth.
FOR BABY - A few clothes in different sizes – No one is going to be able to tell you what size your baby will fit so bringing a few of everything is a good idea! They don’t need to be fancy either because most of the time they are swaddled and asleep anyway. - Formula and bottles – just in case you have issues breastfeeding. The hospital will sterilise bottles for you. - Wipes – your baby is going to have bodily fluid coming from everywhere. If you prefer you can bring burp clothes as well. - Nappies – Don’t worry too much about how many because if you run out the hospital can provide for you. - Socks – you won’t be needing to bring heaps but pack at least 4 pairs because no doubt one will go missing. Oh, and use them as mittens. They stay on way easier than actual mittens do! Beanies – again, you won’t need heaps but it does get cold in hospital so don’t forget at least one.
As well as everything that is mentioned above, remember the usual things like toiletries and comfort items. No matter how prepared you think you are I can guarantee you will forget something. Don’t stress yourself over the small things. You will do great!